It's 12.32pm, i'm waiting for my piggy to wake up... He's still sleeping so sweet, let him take more rest, he has been lack of sleep for the past week too... Thinking of what to do today, do xmas socks for swap? do some xmas projects? go to Midv maxis to fix my iphone? do some groceries? tidy up my working room? or do some baking? oh yeah... i bought 2 cute items from IKEA last week...
It's 2 in 1 spring form tin, which 1 of the base is with heart shaped embossing...the heart will melt in your mouth :p
Baby blue pastry sweet... Will post up if i get to bake some cake or cookies with these lovely items...
My some lovely pieces hunted in October!
It's 1st of Nov birthday is coming in another 20 days! I think this will be the worse birthday i have in my life, because i might be working late, very very late, on 17,18 and birthday eve... :( I wish I don't need to work on the 20th, but i have no plans for my birthday... I wish to go for a short beach trip, swimming and sun tanning in the sea and pool with a sip of pineapple juice and fries or salt and pepper squid? i miss that so much... but planning and going alone? haha... u know... some times it's so sad that i'm together with some one that seems like not enjoying beach and pool fun...
Sometimes i enjoy working there, but some times i hate it, i hate it, i hate it, i hate working there so much! which i need to sacrificed a lot, a lot and a lot of my personal time, but do i have a choice? I think no, i still need to survive, no one owe me a living, i just need to be a cow and work and work...yea, this is life... maybe it has been a tiring week and making me have these negative feeling on the job...
Oh, stop talking on my stupid job and a might unhappening birthday, come back to see my lovely piece here... :)
I love it, Yours & Mine
Velvet beige ribbon go around a gold bracelet, so elegant
My 1st birthday present for this year from bebe, hehe....i supposed to receive 29 presents from him, but i think i received the 1st 1, and will receive the last 1 from him on that day...haha...i know i'm demanding too much...